Second Life Field Trip – The Sistine Chapel

Important Note: Be sure to return to the Horizon Wimba classroom by the time announced in class!

Here is how to go to the Sistine chapel in Second Life:

  1. Click the search field on the upper right corner of your Second Life window.
  2. Type “Sistine chapel” into the field.
  3. A window comes up and loads a list of places that match your search term.
  4. Click on “Vassar Island” in the list of places.
  5. Click Teleport to go to Vassar Island.
  6. The Sistine Chapel is on Vassar Island, you will need to walk around a little to find it. (There are signs posted to point the way.)
  7. Explore the Sistine Chapel and remember to use the ability to fly to really check it out.

While you arrive at the "landing zone," find Lloyd and say “Hello, this is Joe Smith.” (He will be wearing a baseball uniform with his real name appearing above him. (His SL name is "Lloyd Offcourse.) It is important to tell him your real name in the text because it will not show in SL.)

Greg will be just inside in the Sistine Chapel doors. Find him and say "Hello, this is Joe Smith" to him also. (His SL name is Greg Berwick.)

(Saying hello to Lloyd and Greg is their way of “taking attendance” during the field trip.)

Here are skills to practice on this field trip: