Activity: Writing Instructional Objectives

Directions: Rewrite the objectives below to precisely show the behavior/performance and conditions. Start each off with the most suitable "learned capability verb", using the job aid. Do as many as you can in the time allotted.

When finished, click here to see model answers. Take time to discuss differences between your team's objective and the model.

Extra activity: If your team has rewritten at least 3 objectives below and your team has already identified some objectives for your team project (course, unit, or lesson level), feel free to then use your remaining time on rewriting those objectives.

Job Aid: Learned Capability Verbs

Problem-solving Generate
Rule-using/Principle Demonstrate
Concepts Classify, identify
Verbal Information State, list, recite, summarize
Attitude Choose
Psychomotor Execute

The student will be able to know the definition of "normal distribution".

The student will be able to change a flat tire.

The employee will determine how much stock should be ordered to cover holiday buying.

The student will understand Boyle's law.

The student will sort resistors and capacitors.

The student will know the poem, "Old Ironsides".

The student will know the Bill of Rights.

These examples taken or adapted from the Handbook of Procedures for the Design of Instruction by L. Briggs and W. Wager.