REVO2700 Saving Data@v@ 5  ULucida Grande ULucida Grande WLucida Grande UArialUArial cREVGeneralbreakpointconditions breakpointsbreakpointstatesstackfileversion2.7Game Pglobal varName, varScore, varHighScore, varHighScoreName on openStack put empty into field "getname" put empty into field "getscore" end openStack on opencard if line 1 of field "datafield" on card "datacard" is empty then put "No high score yet" into line 1 of field "showhighscore" else put item 1 of line 1 field "datafield" on card "datacard" into varHighScoreName put item 2 of line 1 field "datafield" on card "datacard" into varHighScore put "High score: "&varHighScore&" (by "&varHighScoreName&")" into line 1 of field "showhighscore" end if focus on field "getname" end opencard @ cREVGeneralscripteditorvscroll0scripteditorselection424 dataCard @@  directions@ p" cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178783264  Enter your name: getname)`"8 cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178790226  Ron ` 6  getscore)` 8 cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178796553  105 ` 6 showhighscore @ 2 cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178816586  High score: 105 (by Ron)View Data CardMp+on mouseUp go to next card end mouseUp f4 cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178914849scripteditorvscroll0scripteditorselection29 Go to game cardMp/on mouseUp go to previous card end mouseUp |2 cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178942077scripteditorvscroll0  datafield)`` cREVGeneral revUniqueID 1349178977269   `^ Clear DataMp