Informed Consent Form Copy
Using the Q Sort Methodology for Instructional Purposes Dear Participant: I am a professor in the Department of Career and Information Studies at the University of Georgia. I invite you to participate in a research study entitled “Using the Q Sort Methodology for Instructional Purposes.” The purpose of this study is to explore a special sorting activity – called a Q sort – for instructional purposes. Your instructor will be asking all class members to complete one or more sorting activities followed by participating in a follow-up class discussion as a routine part of the course instruction. I am requesting to use your responses to those sorting activities and your discussion contributions as data for this research. The exact number of sorting activities will depend on your instructor’s course design. Each sorting activity takes approximately 20 minutes and the follow-up discussion takes approximately 20 minutes as well. Each sorting activity will be done online and will include a variety of topics ranging from fun topics, such as music and entertainment, as well as serious topics covered in this course. People who agree to participate in the research will also be asked to complete four different surveys. Two of these surveys are administered after each Q sort activity you complete. The other two surveys are administered once each, one at the beginning of the study and the other at the end of the study. Each survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you may choose not to participate or to stop at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you decide to stop or withdraw from the study, the information/data collected from or about you up to the point of your withdrawal will be kept as part of the study and may continue to be analyzed. Your decision to participate or not will have no bearing on your grades or class standing. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. All people who volunteer will be chosen to participate in the study. Thank you for your consideration! Please print a copy of this letter for your records. Sincerely,