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Rieber, L. P. (1996). Seriously considering play: Designing interactive learning environments based on the blending of microworlds, simulations, and games. Educational Technology Research & Development, 44(2), 43-58
Note: The following is a 'pre-publication version' not reflecting minor revisions made in the final manuscript published in ETR&D. This web-based version should not be circulated. I do not publicize this web site and only use it privately for use in my teaching.
Abstract: Little attention has been given to the psychological and sociological value of play despite its many advantages to guiding the design of interactive multimedia learning environments for children and adults. This paper provides a brief overview of the history, research, and theory related to play. Research from education, psychology, and anthropology suggests that play is a powerful mediator for learning throughout a person's life. The time has come to couple the ever increasing processing capabilities of computers with the advantages of play. The design of hybrid interactive learning environments is suggested based on the constructivist concept of a microworld and supported with elements of both games and simulations.
The field of instructional technology has witnessed tremendous growth in research
and development of interactive multimedia learning environments in recent years,
especially computer-based environments (e.g. hypertext/hypermedia; examples
include Blanchard & Rottenberg, 1990; Jonassen, 1991a, 1992; Locatis, Letourneau
& Banvard, 1989; Marsh & Kumar, 1992; Yoder, 1994). At the same time,
there has been increased openness in the field to consider the influence of
a constructivist philosophy of learning on instructional design decisions (Duffy
& Jonassen, 1992). Researchers and developers are struggling to find innovative
ways to exploit the interactive potential of the learning environments afforded
by computers while remaining consistent with psychological and philosophical
beliefs about how people learn and the practicalities of learning in schools
and the work place (Hannafin, 1992; Hannafin & Rieber, 1989a, 1989b).
Given the serious work and thought evident in these areas, it is somewhat surprising
that one of the most fundamental and important concepts of human interaction
has received so little attention by our field - play. Why this is so is unclear.
Perhaps it is because the word "play" can invoke so many misconceptions.
For example, play is traditionally viewed as applying only to young children.
Play seems to be something you have to give up when you grow up (Provost, 1990).
There is also a sense of risk attached to suggesting an adult is at play. Work
is respectable, play is not. Another misconception is that play is easy. Quite
the contrary, even as adults we tend to engage in unusually challenging and
difficult activities when we play, such as sports, music, hobbies, and games
like chess (though adults may balk at using the word "play" to describe
these activities) (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Likewise, children's play is an
engaging and deliberate activity in which they devote great effort and commitment.
Another misconception is that the activity of play is irrelevant or inconsequential
to either formal or informal learning.
These misconceptions are all unfortunate because the extensive research on play
with children and adults in anthropology, psychology, and education indicates
that play is an important mediator for learning and socialization throughout
life (Blanchard & Cheska, 1985; Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Provost, 1990; Yawkey
& Pellegrini, 1984). Given the range of open-ended explorable environments
that can be constructed with computers, time has come to revisit the almost
alarmingly simple, yet powerful construct of play and to legitimize play's role
in the field of instructional technology.
The purposes of this paper are to briefly review the theoretical and conceptual
foundations of play and to explore its relevance in the design of interactive
multimedia. The attributes of three well known learning environments (or strategies)
consistent with play - microworlds, simulations, and games - will also be reviewed.
A careful blending of their attributes offers promise in guiding the design
of interactive learning environments where structure and motivation are optimized
without subverting personal discovery, exploration, and ownership of knowledge.
In other words, learning environments that encourage people to play.
Play is a difficult
concept to define. Play appears to be one of those constructs that is obvious
at the tacit level but extremely difficult to articulate in concrete terms -
we all know it when we see it or experience it. Its definition can also be culturally
and politically constrained. Nevertheless, play is generally defined as having
the following four attributes: 1) it is usually voluntary; 2) it is intrinsically
motivating, that is, it is pleasurable for its own sake and is not dependent
on external rewards; 3) it involves some level of active, often physical, engagement;
and 4) it is distinct from other behavior by having a make-believe quality (Blanchard
& Cheska, 1985; Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Pellegrini, 1995; Pellegrini &
Smith, 1993; Yawkey & Pellegrini, 1984).
The commonsense tendency is for people to define play as the opposite of work,
but this is misleading. Blanchard and Cheska (1985) assert that the opposite
of work is leisure and that people's work has the potential to be considered
as play as well. Work becomes play when one's job is so satisfying and rewarding
that getting paid to do it is of secondary importance. In fact, Blanchard and
Cheska (1985) contend that our culture does not have an adequate word to describe
the opposite of play (they use the term "not-play"). They go on to
construct a model of human activity with two dimensions: Play/Not-Play and Work/Leisure.
Activities such as games and sports are embedded in this model. Further anthropological
implications of gaming will be discussed later.
Current theories of play are generally organized around four themes: play as
progress, play as power, play as fantasy, and play as self. These themes have
been inspired in large part by the work of Brian Sutton-Smith (Pellegrini, 1995).
Play as progress concerns the belief that the purpose of play is to learn something
useful. Play is a means to improve or enable psychological or social needs.
This type of play is almost always described as an important mechanism by which
children become adults, thus strongly suggesting a clear distinction between
children's play and adult play (though many researchers dispute this by viewing
such distinctions as artificial). Play as power refers to contests or competitions
in which winners and losers are declared. Such examples center around players
or participants involved in some source of conflict, whether that be a game
of football or chess. Unlike play as progress, play as power belongs almost
exclusively to adult forms of play. Play as fantasy refers to play's role in
liberating the mind to engage in creative and imaginative thinking. There are
some obvious connections here to play as progress as when one views creativity
as an outcome to be pursued as opposed to a state to be intrinsically valued.
Play as self is the most recent of themes. It places value on play's role as
a way to achieve optimal life experiences. What is valued is the quality of
the experience and not other secondary outcomes (such as learning). The main
issue here is the intrinsic worth of an experience. (See Sutton-Smith, 1995,
for a critical analysis of these four themes.)
To be sure, research results related to each of these themes are complex and
difficult to generalize. One important point is that play should not be idealized.
Despite its many advantages, one should avoid the view, commonly referred to
as the "play ethos," that all play is good, (Smith, 1995). Indeed,
much research demonstrates the darker side of play, such as the phenomena of
playground bullies (Pellegrini, 1994). Similarly, it is naive to think that
play always involves solely voluntary participation. Pressure from one's culture
(e.g. peers, local/national pride) makes much participation in play activities
An understanding of the philosophical assumptions of play is a critical first
step to understanding its role or value in learning and instruction. For example,
Glickman's (1984) historical review of play in public schools clearly shows
how play has been viewed either as a valuable instructional cornerstone or as
frivolous and nonproductive, depending on the political agendas at the time.
According to Glickman essentialism, progressivism, and existentialism have been
the three general educational philosophies that have alternatively dominated
policy in public education over time.
An essentialist view of education maintains that there are things that everyone
should know and the best way to achieve this learning is through careful curriculum
planning that is rigidly enforced. In this transmission model of education the
"all knowing" teacher is expected to deliver or transmit the knowledge
society believes its citizens need to know. However, many now feel this demeans
teachers by technicizing their role in the classroom (Papert, 1993). In general,
play holds little value here. Experimentalism is the practical view of education
closely following the progressive ideas of John Dewey. Knowledge must be meaningful
and relevant to the individual to be useful. One determines this kind of knowledge
by teachers and students working collaboratively - both engaged in finding productive
purposes to the knowledge they identify. In reviewing the time when experimentalism
held its strongest influence in this country in the early 1900s, Glickman (1984,
p. 258) notes that "...reason and science were the means, not the ends,
of education. The purpose of education was for man to be able to assess his
environment and then experiment with ways to improve it." Play is completely
consistent given this view. Experimentalism corresponds to what currently has
been called pragmatic constructivism (Good, Wandersee & St. Julien, 1993).
At the far extreme is existentialism, which corresponds to radical constructivism
(Jonassen, 1991b). This view holds that any attempt for one group of people
to make decisions (e.g. teachers) on what another group of people should learn
(e.g. students) is at best misleading and at worst unethical. Educationally
speaking, there are little or no rules here. Radical constructivism is equivalent
to instructional chaos.
There are several main points to be gained by Glickman's review. First, historical
phases and events, such as the advent of the industrial age at the turn of the
century or the impact of World War II, all have had a tremendous influence on
what a society's citizens think education should be. As the prevailing philosophy
in education changes, so too does the attitude toward play. In one era, play
can be viewed as a productive and natural means of engaging children in problem-solving
and knowledge construction, but in another era it can be viewed as wasteful
diversion from a child's studies. The fact that play has evoked such opposite
reactions in the history of education is a sobering reminder of the political
realities of school. Perhaps most important is the relationship of play to achieving
educational outcomes. According to Glickman, the benefits of play are long-term
- enabling intellectual and social growth over many years (see also Singer,
1995). If, on the other hand, one is primarily interested in short-term gains
on performance tests of narrow objectives, such as standardized achievement
tests, the value of play becomes less evident.
The history of play in American education strangely resembles the current discussion
and debate between objectivism and constructivism in instructional technology
(see Cooper, 1993; Dede, 1995; Duffy & Jonassen, 1991; Jonassen, 1991b;
Perkins, 1992; Rieber, 1993, for background). It is not hard to understand how
play and traditional applications of instructional systems design (ISD) can
come into conflict. When one believes that what the learner needs to know has
already been identified, the obvious course of action is to teach the learner
this content as effectively and efficiently as possible. Play may be tolerated
or even encouraged for short periods of time, perhaps in the belief that it
will act as a "motivating strategy." However, play can quickly be
viewed as a threat to instructional design efforts when it leads to learning
sequences or learning outcomes other than those already determined or anticipated
by the designer.
One design artifact
consistent with play is the constructivist idea of a microworld (Papert, 1981;
Rieber, 1992). A microworld is a small, but complete, version of some domain
of interest. People do not merely study a domain in a microworld, they "live"
the domain, similar to the idea that the best way to learn Spanish is to go
and live in Spain. Microworlds can be naturally found in the world or artificially
constructed (or induced). A child's sandbox is a classic example of a natural
microworld. Given buckets and shovels, the sandbox becomes a "volume and
density microworld" for the child. In contrast, artificial microworlds
model some system or domain for the user. Probably the most well-known computer
example is LOGO, a programming language in which the computer models a variety
of domains, such as geometry and physics (Papert, 1980, 1993). Other examples
include Geometer's Sketchpad and Interactive Physics. Of course, even a natural
microworld can have artificial elements - a parent (or teacher) could intentionally
structure the children's sandbox in some way, such as providing buckets of special
sizes (e.g. each doubling in volume) in order to increase the likelihood that
the child might discover some underlying principles or relationships.
At first glance, computer-based microworlds are often confused with simulations.
However, microworlds have two important characteristics that may not be present
in a simulation. First, a microworld presents the learner with the "simplest
case" of the domain, even though the learner would usually be given the
means to reshape the microworld to explore increasingly more sophisticated and
complex ideas. Second, a microworld must match the learner's cognitive and affective
state. Learners immediately know what to do with a microworld - little or no
training is necessary to begin using it (imagine first "training"
a child how to use a sandbox). In a sense, then, it is the learner who determines
whether a learning environment should be considered a microworld since successful
microworlds rely and build on an individual's own natural tendencies toward
learning. It is possible for a learning environment to be a microworld for one
person but not another. In contrast, a simulation is determined by the content
or domain it seeks to model and is usually judged on the basis of its fidelity
to the domain (Alessi, 1988). For example, most flight simulators would not
be considered microworlds for most people because they would be quickly overwhelmed
with the environment. However, several characteristics of simulations are relevant
to the design of microworlds and this issue will be considered later.
The two dominant characteristics of microworlds (i.e. "simplest case"
of a domain; match the user) present a large set of complex assumptions and
expectations for a would-be microworld designer to meet. Among the most important
is that learners are expected to self-regulate their own learning in a microworld.
Self-regulated learning is when a person takes responsibility for their learning
and, as a result, takes appropriate action to ensure that learning takes place.
Self-regulated learning has three main characteristics (Zimmerman, 1989, 1990).
First, learners find the environment to be intrinsically motivating, that is,
they find participating in the activity to be its own reward and do not seek
or need external incentives (Deci, 1985; Lepper & Malone, 1987; Malone &
Lepper, 1987). Second, self-regulated learners are metacognitively active. Learners
actively engage in planning and goal-setting and are able to monitor and evaluate
their own learning. Third, self-regulated learners are behaviorally active in
that they take the necessary steps to select and structure the environment to
best suit their own learning styles. Learner control is essential for self-regulated
Few psychologists
or educators would dispute the argument that the most effective learners self-regulate
their own learning. Many models of self-regulated learning have been reviewed
(such as that by Butler & Winne, 1995; Schunk & Zimmerman, 1994) and
its implications to instructional design considered (e.g. Kinzie, 1990). Disagreements
arise, however, as to the best approach to establishing and maintaining self-regulated
learning. Unfortunately, the idea that there exists one best "method"
for facilitating the self-regulated learning process is misguided (though particular
learning or study strategies may be successfully taught; see Just & Carpenter,
1987 for examples). Instead, it may be more useful to describe conditions which
may lead to self-regulated learning. For that reason, two theoretical frameworks
describing the underlying conditions of self-regulated learning in a microworld
are briefly considered at this point: components of Piaget's theory of intellectual
development and the Flow Theory of Optimal Experience developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Both illustrate the close relationship between self-regulated learning and play.
Piagetian Learning Theory. It is almost impossible to discuss the design
of microworlds without invoking the name of Jean Piaget due to the influence
of his work on Seymour Papert, a pioneer of constructivist uses of computers
probably best known for his role in the development of the LOGO programming
language. Probably the first well articulated and developed description of microworlds
and their implications can be traced to Papert's much cited (and debated) book
Mindstorms (Papert, 1980). Although most educators are well aware of the stage
dependent part of Piaget's theory characterized by the four developmental stages
(i.e. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations),
self-regulated learning in a microworld is most closely based on the stage independent
part of Piaget's theory which can be summarized by the following three properties:
epistemic conflict, self-reflection, and self-regulation (Forman & Pufall,
1988). Epistemic conflict denotes an ongoing cognitive "balancing act"
by each individual. On one hand, we each seek an organized, orderly world, but
we are continually confronted with an ever-changing environment. Self-reflection
involves an individual's deliberate attempt at assessing and understanding a
given situation. However, only through self-regulation will an individual arrive
at a resolution or solution to the conflict. Either the conflict is resolved
as fitting an established mental structure (i.e. assimilation), or a new structure
is formed (i.e. accommodation) (a third possibility is that the conflict remains
unresolved and no learning takes place).
According to this theory, learning cannot occur unless an individual is in a
state of disequilibrium (i.e. mental structures not in "balance").
Learning is defined as the construction of new knowledge resulting from the
resolution to the conflict. Piaget theorized that knowledge was always transitory,
continually shifting in shape and form. Piaget referred to individual mental
structures as "schemes." Assimilation is the process of understanding
the world through existing schemes, whereas accommodation is the process of
building new schemes (based on refinements and blending of existing schemes)
(Phillips, 1981; Piaget, 1952). The purpose of a microworld is simply to foster,
nurture, and trigger the equilibrium process (Dede, 1987; Papert, 1980, 1981).
It is important to note that Piaget's theories have recently been criticized
for neglecting social and cultural influences on cognition and are often contrasted
with the theories of Vygotsky. Attempts have been made to reconcile these differences
by suggesting that Vygotsky and Piaget offer complementary rather than competing
views (see Fowler, 1994).
Flow Theory. Although the developmental nature of Piaget's work has long
been associated with children's learning, the stage independent part remains
relevant throughout life. However, one notable body of research related to self-regulated
learning focuses exclusively on adults - the Flow Theory of Optimal Experience
developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1990). Though rarely considered by instructional
technologists flow theory provides an important framework for an adult's motivation
for learning. Flow theory gets its name from the way so many adults have described
a peculiar state of extreme happiness and satisfaction. They are so engaged
and absorbed by certain activities that they seem to "flow" along
with it in a spontaneous and almost automatic manner - being "carried by
the flow" of the activity. Csikszentmihalyi (1990, p. 4) defines flow as"...the
state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems
to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great
cost, for the sheer sake of doing it." Csikszentmihalyi's research includes
a wide range of individuals and activities, from rock climbers to surgeons,
from concentration camp survivors to those simply reading or listening to music.
Attaining flow is not necessarily easy and rests on certain conditions and skills.
For example, people who experience flow must have the ability to focus attention,
to concentrate without distraction. Attention is so important that Csikszentmihalyi
defines it as "psychic energy" because it acts as the "fuel"
for the rest of consciousness. In contrast, "psychic entropy" occurs
whenever information enters our consciousness that is so disruptive that it
diverts our attention.
One result of flow is psychological growth, that is, the individual becomes
more complex or elaborate. The psychological mechanisms that account for growth
are differentiation and integration. Differentiation is the need for the individual
to remain unique from others whereas integration is the need to feel connected
to other people and other ideas. These seemingly opposite processes work together
to achieve a state of balance between goals and expectations, not unlike the
Piagetian process of equilibration.
Flow derives from activities that provide enjoyment (as compared to mere pleasure).
Enjoyment results when an activity meets one or more of the following eight
components: 1) challenge is optimized; 2) attention is completely absorbed in
the activity; 3) the activity has clear goals; 4) the activity provides clear
and consistent feedback as to whether one is reaching the goals; 5) the activity
is so absorbing that it frees the individual, at least temporarily, from other
worries and frustrations; 6) the individual feels completely in control of the
activity; 7) all feelings of self-consciousness disappear; and 8) time is transformed
during the activity (e.g. hours pass without noticing). Not surprisingly, these
components are quite consistent with characteristics of gaming.
Optimizing challenge is particularly important in order to experience flow.
People must constantly be able to match challenge with their current skill or
ability. If one's skill is low in an activity (such as tennis) and the challenge
is too high (such as playing against Monica Seles), then the individual will
enter a state of anxiety. Monica, on the other hand, will probably experience
boredom because her skill mismatches challenge in the opposite way. However,
if an expert tennis player is playing the game with a novice because of a desire
to teach the game, flow may be derived not from the act of playing the game
but from the satisfaction of the student's motivation and progress. Of course,
as an individual's skill or ability increases, they need to increase the challenge
accordingly. Flow is only possible as long as a person avoids boredom and anxiety
Finally, Csikszentmihalyi stresses that transforming ordinary experience into
flow demands effort and work. One does not attain flow by being passive. However,
the ability to reach optimal experience can be improved over time with deliberate
effort. Csikszentmihalyi also warns of the danger of addiction, when the desire
to participate or engage in an activity is so consuming that the quality of
one's life actually deteriorates (e.g. obsessive gambling or drug addiction).
Of course, it is easy to demand self-regulated learning as a "requirement" for a successful microworld, it is quite another to describe how to design a microworld that supports and encourages a self-regulated learning process. As already mentioned, finding an appropriate objectivist methodology is difficult, if not misguided, due to the critical and unpredictable role of each individual learner. Despite this, characteristics of simulations and games may provide some practical means of meeting the assumptions of a successful microworld. Both offer extensions of critical parts of the psychology underpinning the constructivist nature of microworlds, while also providing some of the inherent structure called for by most objectivists. Simulations offer a direct link to the subject matter or content; and games offer a practical means for meeting the microworld assumption of self-regulation. Games in particular offer many intriguing psychological and social insights to microworld design and for that reason their value is underscored.
A simulation is
any attempt to mimic a real or imaginary environment or system (Alessi &
Trollip, 1991; Reigeluth & Schwartz, 1989; Thurman, 1993). A simulation
usually serves one of two purposes: scientific and educational. In both cases,
there is usually some inherent reason why the actual system should not be experienced
directly, such as cost, danger, inaccessibility, or time. Scientific simulations
provide scientists with a means of studying a particular system, such as a meteorologist
studying a tornado. These simulations help scientists to establish and refine
existing theory and understanding of the system. Educational simulations are
designed to teach someone about the system by observing the result of actions
or decisions through feedback generated by the simulation in real-time, accelerated
time, or slowed time.
The design of a simulation-as-microworld must meet the "simplest case"
principle. Of course, the simulation should be designed so that ideas expand
as the learner is ready for them. In a sense, simulations-as-microworlds are
both scientific and educational. The learner should be in a position to make
changes to the simulation in order to better understand it, much as a scientist
who changes the simulation in some way to test a hypothesis. It is also important
that the simulation's interface be designed to minimize the chance that the
user will become disoriented and frustrated.
The design of simulations-as-microworlds closely parallels the research and
theory of mental models (Gentner & Stevens, 1983; Jih & Reeves, 1992;
Mayer, 1989). This research suggests that people form mental "models"
of the physical world in an attempt to successfully understand and interact
with the world. Mental models are dynamic cognitive constructs in that they
are ever-changing and evolving, similar to the Piagetian process of equilibration
in which mental schemes are created and refined.
There are three attributes of mental models relevant to the design of simulations-as-microworlds:
the target system; the user's current mental model of the target system; and
the building of a "conceptual" model of the target system. The target
system is simply the actual system of interest, such as a tornado, Newtonian
physics, or parenting. A user's mental model describes the person's current
understanding or "theory" of the target system. This is the basis
for the user's decision-making and action when confronted with problems in the
target system (Carroll & Olson, 1987). Conceptual models are artificial
artifacts designed by some external agent (such as an engineer, teacher, or
instructional designer), to help the user understand the target system (Gentner
& Stevens, 1983; Norman, 1988). An example of a conceptual model would be
the popular analogy of an office desktop to help a user understand the operation
of a microcomputer.
Good conceptual models partly address the "match the user" principle.
From this point of view, a microworld could be described as an interactive conceptual
model. However, while a conceptual model may match the user cognitively, it
may not do so affectively. In other words, the user may understand the conceptual
model, but at the same time find no interest in it.
Although a simulation
may be designed as an expandable simplest case of a system that appropriately
matches a learner's prior knowledge and experiences, this, in and of itself,
does not satisfy the requirements of self-regulated learning. The learner may
not be interested in choosing to initially participate in the activity nor may
choose to persist in the activity for extended periods of time at a meaningful
level. The learner must find the activity to be intrinsically motivating (Kinzie,
1990; Kinzie & Sullivan, 1989; Lepper & Chabay, 1985).
Motivational researchers have offered the following characteristics common to
all intrinsically motivating learning environments: challenge, curiosity, fantasy,
and control (Lepper & Malone, 1987; Malone, 1981; Malone & Lepper, 1987).
Games represent the instructional artifact most closely matching these characteristics.
Fantasy is used to encourage learners to imagine that they are completing the
activity in a context in which they are really not present. The fantasy context
can be further classified as being either endogenous or exogenous to the game's
content. An example of an exogenous fantasy is the common "hang man"
game and its many variations. Any content can be superimposed on top of this
fantasy. There is no mistaking the game from the content. Exogenous fantasies
can be thought of as educational "sugar coating." Obviously, exogenous
fantasies are a common and popular element of many educational games.
In contrast, games that employ endogenous fantasies weave the content into the
game. One cannot tell where the game stops and the content begins. An example
of an endogenous fantasy to teach fractions is shown in Figure 1. The advantage
of an endogenous fantasy is that if the learner is interested in the fantasy,
he or she will consequently be interested in the content. A good endogenous
fantasy is an important first step towards intrinsic motivation. Of course,
determining an appropriate endogenous fantasy is difficult. In learning about
physics, for example, some learners may prefer a variety of contexts in which
the idea of reduced friction is possible, such as piloting a space ship, sailing
a boat, or ice skating.
Figure 1. An example of an educational computer game that uses an endogenous fantasy to teach middle school students about fractions. The goal of this game for two players, called Mineshaft, is to retrieve a miner's lost ax. Each enters a fraction and the one who is closest to the level of the lost ax wins the round. Computer animation is used as motivation and feedback: each player's elevator is lowered down the shafts (i.e. number line) to the "depth" of their respective fraction; the ax is then taken back to the surface by the winning elevator and "dumped" onto that player's pile.
Figure 2. A screen snapshot of the simulation template used by the fifth grade children as the starting point in constructing an original game that used the laws of motion.
Figure 3. Screen snapshots of the games developed by the two groups of children: Space Race (above) and Underwater Sea Quest (below). The laws of motion are embedded in each game. The goal of Space Race is to drive the "rig" successfully around the track to the finish line without going off the track and while avoiding the roaming alien (although a rig with a large mass will defeat the alien, but the larger rig will also be harder to maneuver). The goal of Underwater Sea Quest is to help the diver find the gold treasure while avoiding the roaming "shark." However, only one of the two treasure chests contains the gold treasure. (Actual computer versions are in color.)
The purpose of
this paper has been to renew interest in the role of play as a source of rich
and meaningful interactivity within interactive multimedia learning environments.
There appear to be many advantages to seriously considering play as a dominant
goal for these types of learning environments, despite the caution that all
forms of play should not be considered positive or beneficial. Play also holds
promise as a benchmark for evaluating interactive learning environments - those
that evoke it deserve special recognition and consideration. This paper has
proposed a hybrid learning environment in which the constructivist concept of
a microworld has served as the anchor, though strongly supported and buttressed
with simulation and gaming characteristics. Gaming, in particular, seems to
offer important implications to microworld designers. This discussion has been
rooted in instructional technology, hence, it has been aimed primarily at design
issues. However, it is impossible and undesirable to divorce these design issues
from the philosophical assertions on which they rest.
Despite the popularity of pitting one philosophical position against another,
this paper has tried to bring together some of the best ideas from several philosophical
positions. As a field, instructional technology is in a unique position to champion
such a blending of different philosophical positions due to its eclectic and
pragmatic nature, a position going back to Dewey (Garrison, 1994). Besides,
epistemological differences of what it means "to know something" have
consumed philosophers for hundreds of years without adequate resolution (Casti,
1989). Educational technologists are generally more interested in solving problems
than they are in establishing barriers, philosophical or otherwise. Consequently,
considerable value is placed on practical instructional applications that actually
work in practical situations, rather than espousing one theoretical or philosophical
position over another. The relationship between theory, research, and practice
in instructional technology is dynamic and interdependent, not causal. Research
in education, psychology, and anthropology makes play an attractive choice if
one's goal is consistency between theory, research, and practice.
An interesting metaphor for efforts in instructional technology to reconcile
theory with practice is the story of Wright Brothers' invention of the airplane
(Moolan, 1980). The Wright Brothers' success appears to have been based on just
the right mix of ingenuity, discovery, experience, and theory combined with
mastery of the technology of their day (Crouch, 1992). Ready or not, theorists
all over the world had to reconcile the fact that the Wright Brothers designed
a plane that actually flew.
Like the Wright Brothers, most instructional technologists do not aim primarily
to refine existing theory, but rather to design and develop instruction that
works - "instructional" planes that really fly. Most have been trained
to use theory as the foundation of their work, but few ever resolve the dilemma
of dealing with the many discrepancies that arise between existing theory and
actual practice. The relationship between design and theory is usually muddled
in the minds of both practitioners and researchers. Theory and practice should
continually provide feedback to the other in order to help identify and resolve
discrepancies or inconsistencies. The blending of the characteristics of microworlds,
simulations and games based on play comes close to achieving the goal of reconciling
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1Specific tasks accomplished by each group included the following: identify a suitable game context or fantasy; define the game rules; write game directions; and draw all necessary graphics. The role of the teacher and I was to facilitate the efforts of the two groups. I also acted as game editor and computer programmer. An obvious difference between this project and that reported by Harel (1991) and Kafai (1992) is that these children did not get involved in the programming aspects of the games. This project took place in a public school without special funding or special commitments of time and other resources. Consequently, the school was only able to allot four days to the project which, of course, is totally inadequate for children to learn authoring software sufficiently to build games. Despite this difference, the benefits gained through empowering the children to assume all design responsibilities are still quite noteworthy. I have since worked with other classes of students to design games on subjects such as understanding plants, mathematics, Greek mythology, and language arts (Rieber, Ellington & Ward, 1996).
I thank Luther Rotto and Tillman Ragan for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper. I also thank Ron Oliver and the faculty and students at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, for their comments and feedback of this work presented during my visit in the summer of 1995. Special thanks go to Cindy Ellington and Holly Ward for their participation and cooperation in various aspects of the project in which children designed their own educational computer games.