Rieber, L. P.
(1994). Computers, graphics, and learning. Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark.
Rieber, L. P.
(2000). Getting interactive with Authorware: Building simulations and games.
Rieber, L.
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Book Chapters
Rieber, L.P.
(2004). Microworlds. In D. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research for
communications and technology (2nd ed.) (pp. 583-603). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Rieber, L.P.
(2001, December). Designing learning environments that excite serious play.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Australasian Society for Computers
in Learning in Tertiary Education, Melbourne, Australia. Full
paper (pdf)
Rieber, L. P.,
& Matzko, M. J. (2001). Serious design of serious play in physics. Educational
Technology, 41(1), 14-24. Full paper (html)
Rieber, L. P.,
Smith, L., & Noah, D. (1998). The value of serious play. Educational Technology,
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Rieber, L. P.
(1996). Seriously considering play: Designing interactive learning environments
based on the blending of microworlds, simulations, and games. Educational
Technology Research & Development, 44(2), 43-58. Full
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Rieber, L. P.
(1995). A historical review of visualization in human cognition. Educational
Technology Research & Development, 43(1), 45-56.
Rieber, L.P.
(1995) Using computer-based microworlds with children with pervasive developmental
disorders: An informal case study. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia,
4(1), 75-94. Full
paper (html)
Hooper, S.,
& Rieber, L.P. (1995). Teaching with technology. In A.C. Orstein (Ed.),
Teaching: Theory into practice (pp. 154-170). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Full
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Rieber, L. P.
(1993). A pragmatic view of instructional technology. In K. Tobin (Ed.), The
practice of constructivism in science education (pp. 193-212). Washington,
DC: AAAS Press. Abstract
Rieber, L. P.
(1992). Computer-based microworlds: A bridge between constructivism and direct
instruction. Educational Technology Research & Development, 40(1), 93-106.
Rieber, L. P.,
& Kini, A. (1991). Theoretical foundations of instructional applications
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18(3), 83-88.
Rieber, L. P.
(1990). Animation in computer-based instruction. Educational Technology Research
& Development, 38(1), 77-86.
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(2004). Microworlds. In D. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research for educational
communications and technology (2nd ed.) (pp. 583-603). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
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Langone, J.,
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Issues relating to research and practice. Journal of Special Education
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Rieber, L.P.,
Supporting discovery-based learning with simulations. Invited presentation
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Full paper
Rieber, L.
P., Davis, J., Matzko, M., & Grant, M. (2001, April). Children as
multimedia critics: Middle school students' motivation for and critical
analysis of educational
multimedia designed by other children. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle. Full
paper (pdf)
Rieber, L. P.,
Luke, N., & Smith, J. (1998). Project KID DESIGNER: Constructivism at
work through play. Meridian: Middle School Computer Technology Journal. 1(1).
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Rieber, L. P.
(1996). Animation as feedback in a computer-based simulation: Representation
matters. Educational Technology Research & Development, 44(1), 5-22.
Rieber, L. P.
(1995). Using computer-based microworlds with children with pervasive developmental
disorders: An informal case study. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia,
4(1), 75-94. Full
paper (html)
Rieber, L. P., & Parmley,
M. W. (1995). To teach or not to teach? Comparing the use of computer-based
simulations in deductive versus inductive approaches to learning
with adults in science. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13(4),
Rieber, L. P.
(1991). Animation, incidental learning, and continuing motivation. Journal
of Educational Psychology, 83, 318-328.
Rieber, L. P.
(1990). Using computer animated graphics in science instruction with children.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 135-140.
Rieber, L.P.,
The proper way to become an instructional technologist. 1998 Peter Dean Lecturer
for the Division of Learning and Performance Environments. Presented at the
Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
St. Louis, February, 1998. Full
paper (html)
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